When the interviewer asks you the reason for leaving, how can you answer it so that the other party can accept it?

When the interviewer asks you the reason for leaving, how can you answer it so that the other party can accept it?

When the interviewer asks you the reason for leaving, how can you answer it so that the other party can accept it?

During job interviews, we often encounter interviewers asking about the reason for leaving. If the answer is inappropriate, it is likely to be eliminated by HR. So, if you were asked the reason for your resignation in the interview, how should you answer it so that HR can accept it?

First, pay attention to the statement of the reason for leaving

1. HR will look at the match between job seekers and current jobs from the reasons for leaving

HR’s job is to extract key points from brief interview conversations, and the reason for leaving represents the job seeker’s true attitude and vision for the job.

Smart job seekers will use the reason for leaving as a bargaining chip in their job search. Whether they want a high salary or refuse to travel, they will be among the reasons for leaving and tell them honestly.

If job seekers only frequently complain about the unhappiness of their previous jobs, HR will worry about job seekers’ future satisfaction with their company.

What is even more embarrassing is that a job seeker complained to HR that the former leader was often late during the interview, but was very angry with the employee’s attendance. HR had to euphemistically tell: our boss is also like this, is this normal?

2. Reasons for resignation can help job seekers avoid “resignation risks” after work

Key points such as “don’t want to work overtime”, “expected salary”, and “areas of expertise” can all be revealed inadvertently in the reasons for leaving. Some people will refuse to provide the reason for leaving after job-hopping, while others will directly state the reason for leaving as: staying in one place for too long and wanting to change the environment.

This kind of concealment and perfunctory treatment of the reasons for resignation is actually a missed opportunity to avoid the “resignation risk”. If the job seeker deliberately conceals the real reason for leaving, it may be impossible to avoid entering the same uncomfortable situation even if they successfully join the new company.

In addition, there are some special reasons for leaving, such as layoffs by the company or dismissal in violation of company regulations.

If the other company understands the job seeker’s situation and is willing to accept and give the offer, even if the resignation certificate provided later contains the reason for leaving the former company, or the former company’s “bad review” is encountered during the “background investigation”. ”, and it will not affect the normal entry.

2. To get HR to accept the reason for your resignation, you need to pay attention to the following three points

1. Objectively state the facts without complaining too much

The book “The World Without Complaining” says: When you complain, you are using incredible mind power to find things that you say you don’t want, but are still attracted to. Then you complain about these new things, and you attract more unwanted things.

This is important when stating the reason for leaving: Don’t complain about the inadequacies of the previous company, and state the reason for leaving from your own perspective.

For example, regarding “intolerable overtime work”, there is no need to scold the former company for “working too much overtime, taking less vacation time, and disregarding the physical ability of employees”. A blunt statement can be: I cannot accept frequent overtime due to physical or family reasons, which conflict with the business arrangements of the former company.

Another example is people who are not good at workplace entertainment. They must express their introverted personality and the advantages of this personality in their own work. This will greatly avoid getting an offer that requires frequent business trips and entertainment, and can also prevent the future. Was frequently pulled to socialize by the leader.

Another example is people who are not good at workplace entertainment. They must express their introverted personality and the advantages of this personality in their own work. This will greatly avoid getting an offer that requires frequent business trips and entertainment, and can also prevent the future. Was frequently pulled to socialize by the leader.

An HR friend once said that you can really meet all kinds of people during the interview, but the last thing you want to see are those who talk to themselves and are full of grievances. They can often complain passionately for 20 minutes, but I never Not much substance can be extracted from those words. Our company will never want such a person.

In society, those who like to complain are not welcome. Similarly, in the workplace, people who often complain are not welcome, and HR does not want to recruit a person who is full of “negative energy” for the company.

2. Not limited to “interviewer’s satisfaction”, you must know how to refuse

Many people have a misunderstanding in job interviews: you must ensure that the interviewer is satisfied. And the truth is, interviewers prefer candor and fit rather than satisfaction.

Honesty will make people feel at ease, and it will also allow HR to exclude people who are “inconsistent”. “Fit” is the most important, because recruiting a person who is suitable for the current position is the HR who has completed the job perfectly.

If you blindly please the interviewer, you will suddenly feel the false agreement, and you will lose your sincerity; if you accept even the unacceptable conditions, such as the target monthly salary of 10,000 but accepted the monthly salary of 6,000, you will lose your honesty. “fit”.

The reason for Wang Ning’s resignation from the previous company was that “the leader made unreasonable demands on him, and the workload assigned was ten times what he could bear”, so he resigned in a fit of anger. After resigning, he didn’t think about the reason, and immediately started his job search.

In every interview, when the interviewer asks him about the professional skills he has mastered, he will show a bunch of certificates, and then he will say with confidence that his business ability is very strong and he has many skills. As long as the company asks, he can definitely do it.

Later, I couldn’t get an offer. Wang Ning seriously reviewed the reasons for leaving and the interview experience and found that HR made too many promises during the interview, which made HR feel unreal. The dramatic increase in the workload of the previous company may also be the reason for exaggerating my own abilities during the interview.

3. Appropriately praise the benefits of the former company, and then express the advantages of the new company

One of the big myths to avoid first is to demean your former company to show how correct your decision to leave is. Because everyone has empathy, and there is a saying: what you see in your eyes, you are what you are.

If you devalue the former company too much, the result is that HR doubts the character and vision of the interviewer. Therefore, praising the advantages of the former company properly can make HR feel that the job seeker is a person who understands and appreciates. Whether the company has harmonious interpersonal relationships, a good atmosphere, or the company often has opportunities for learning and training, it is worth mentioning.

After stating the reasons for leaving and complimenting the previous company appropriately, the next step is to tap into the strengths of the new company you are applying for. Company prospects, industry advantages, promotion channels or corporate culture can all be brought to the interview venue to chat with the interviewer.

Xiao Liu worked as HR in a company before, and is well versed in the workplace. Later, I jumped to a large-scale international company and experienced phone interviews, first, second and final interviews, and stood out from dozens of job applicants.

His education is not the highest, and his work experience is not the most senior, but he is the most thorough research on the company’s development and advantages. He even found the case of the interview company’s recent project mergers and acquisitions, discussed with professionals for several rounds, and finally achieved “know oneself and one enemy” and got a high-paying offer.

In fact, no matter when you are applying for a job, if you can grasp the key points in the short interview process, master the right to speak, and show the interviewer that you are the most suitable person for the current position, it will be a successful job search . During the period, the reasons for leaving are clearly explained, so that it can become a helper to help get “high-quality offer”.

As for the final result, it all makes sense. Because sometimes the offer that is not obtained may not be because the ability of the job seeker does not meet the requirements of the company, or it may be that the job does not meet the requirements of the job seeker.

CAREER PATHS, Changing Jobs, JOB HUNTING, Job Interview Tips

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