How do emotionally intelligent people answer the interviewer's questions during an interview?

How do emotionally intelligent people answer the interviewer’s questions during an interview?

How do emotionally intelligent people answer the interviewer’s questions during an interview?

It is inevitable that you will encounter an unsatisfactory interview on the way to find a job. People with high emotional intelligence, even if they have something in their hearts, will not show a trace of their true thoughts on their faces. By acting!

So how do emotionally intelligent people answer the interviewer’s questions during an interview? What is the difference between what you think in your heart and what you say in your mouth during the interview? Let’s have a look!

01. HR: What do you know about our company?

Your answer during the interview : I have paid close attention to your company’s current operating status and future development direction, and have done detailed industry analysis. In my opinion…

What you really think in your heart: I don’t understand, I came here when I saw the salary is relatively high.

02. HR: What hobbies do you usually have?

Your answer during the interview: I am a person with a wide range of interests and hobbies. In my spare time, I will write articles, watch football games, and participate in outdoor sports…

What you really think in your mind: I like to be alone, with a cup of milk tea and a mobile phone.

03. HR: What weaknesses do you think you have?

Your answer during the interview: I am more careful in my work and consider issues comprehensively, but I also feel that I am slightly lacking in macro vision and strategic thinking…

What you really think in your heart: This handsome guy/beauty is perfect and has no flaws.

04. HR: Why did you leave your last company?

Your answer during the interview: The development speed of the previous company has not kept up with my needs for rapid growth. If I continue to stay, my ability will not be further improved…

What you really think in your mind: less money, more things, and a bad boss.

05. HR: What do you do when you disagree with your superiors?

Your answer during the interview: For non-principled questions, I will obey the arrangement of the superior, but at the same time, I will also give the superior explanation and reminder…

What you really think in your heart: I must find a way to make the leader listen to me.

06. HR: What do you think about overtime?

Your answer during the interview: Overtime is unavoidable. If the company does have urgent projects that require overtime, I am very happy to cooperate with the arrangement of the company and the superior…

The real thoughts in your mind: work overtime? Are there overtime pay?

07. HR: Tell me about your career plan within 3 years

Your answer during the interview: I hope to continuously improve my skills in all aspects while creating value for the company, and strive to become an expert in a certain field within 3 years…

What you really think in your mind: I want to make more money.

08. HR: What is your expected salary?

Your answer during the interview: As long as I am good enough, I believe the company will not treat me badly. Before that, I hope that I can grow quickly and be on my own. As for salary…

What you really think in your heart: I want 100 million!

09. HR: How soon can you be hired?

Your answer during the interview: To tell you the truth, I have received offers from several companies at present, and I need a comprehensive evaluation before I can answer your specific entry time…

What you really think in your mind: If you can, get hired now, immediately!

10. HR: Are there any other questions you would like to ask me?

Your answer during the interview: I would like to know whether the company has an induction training system for this position, and what is the development space for this position? and also……

What you really think in your heart: there is nothing to ask, let’s end the interview!


In order to better express themselves during interviews, many job seekers will choose to answer questions according to HR’s ideas, and even use the trick of “lying” in order to get an offer and a higher salary. However, this approach Not advisable, why?

Because it is very risky to lie in an interview , not to mention that you are dealing with an experienced HR driver, even if you deceive HR, there is still a “background check” before joining the job, and you may not be able to do the job if you exaggerate your strength. . Not to mention that if the lie is exposed, it may be pulled into the blacklist. At that time, not only this company will not hire you, but you may not be able to survive in this industry, and the gain will outweigh the loss. In the end , what the resume should tell you is that it is okay to beautify it properly during the interview, but it is still prudent to lie.

CAREER PATHS, Changing Jobs, JOB HUNTING, Job Interview Tips

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