A good CV is so important for the success of the application

A good CV is so important for the success of the application

Anyone who thinks that the cover letter is the most important part of the application is often wrong. Because of time constraints, recruiters look at the CV first.

Together with the cover letter, the CV represents the individual business card of the application . The professional career of the applicant is presented in it as concisely as possible. It is therefore important that a good CV shows the most important stages at a glance . In addition to the skills , the CV also contains the formal qualifications. In this way you make it clear to the HR manager that you, as an applicant, fit into the advertised job profile. This information also allows the HR manager to draw conclusions about the strengths and weaknesses of the applicant.

good CV should be visually convincing and attractively designed. A clear structure of the structure is also essential so that it is prepared in a reader-friendly way. Under no circumstances should this core part of an application be regarded as an annoying mandatory part. The fine-tuning of the CV is worth every effort.

A good CV convinces recruiters

Why is the CV so important for a successful application and not the cover letter, work samples or the certificate? The answer is surprisingly clear:

Because the vast majority of the HR managers responsible read through the CV first – and usually make a preliminary decision after less than five minutes .

A large number of applicants often apply to an advertised position. The curriculum vitae provides a quick overview during the first selection phase. It is the first impression that the respective candidate leaves in the company or the authority. It often depends on the CV whether the application letter is even taken into account afterwards. This already shows the special relevance that a good CV has for a personal application.

As a result, the order in which you took notice does not always correspond to the order in which you submitted your application. Accordingly, it is important for the CV that the information is presented clearly, concisely and concisely. It should be meaningful enough to give HR a positive first impression. Ultimately, a good CV is not only an advertising tool, but also a kind of first sample of work .

A good CV is so important for the success of the application

Good resume: what is important?

While the CV used to be written in continuous text, this form of design is no longer an option today. The tabular CV including some mandatory information is the norm today. The purpose of the CV is therefore that the potential employer can already take note of the most important information when skimming through it.

  • An important point is therefore clarity . Because the more applications are received, the more important it is that the HR manager does not have to spend too much time reading individual CVs. He wants to narrow down the circle of interesting candidates as efficiently and quickly as possible. An interestingly designed, suitable and therefore good CV, which is adapted both to the advertised position and to the applicant, will remain in the mind of the other person.
  • This applies all the more if the tabular career is underlined with a friendly photo .
  • In addition, no information should be presented in the CV that is obviously not relevant to the advertised position. Superfluous content can simply confuse the HR manager. In the worst case, he will then no longer want to take the time to further analyze the application and especially the CV. Additional information should therefore be given with caution.
  • In addition, the structure of the CV should be anti-chronological. This is especially true for applicants with some work experience. In this case, the HR department is shown the current professional situation at first glance, with the focus on the most recent stages. The classic, chronological arrangement is not forbidden, but is becoming increasingly unusual.

A good CV is so important for the success of the application

Good resume: 16 tips for success

Due to the large number of applications, HR departments look at the CV first. They have to decide within a short period of time whether the applicant’s profile basically matches the position or whether the application should be rejected. Unnecessary mistakes and poor self-presentation can therefore quickly close doors for the applicant. You can prevent this by also observing these general tips:

1. Easy to read

A clear structure makes it easier for the reader to find the desired information quickly.

2. Right order

Reverse chronological (also called anti-chronological) structure: First, state current events, such as current employment or the completion of your studies, then go back step by step into the past, such as previous work experience or the previous school leaving certificate.

3. Relevant Information

Concentration on current professional experience relevant to the position. Only briefly mention other stations in your career. The same applies to knowledge, hobbies and interests: Mention what is important for the position – leave out the rest here.

4. Error-free

It is essential to avoid spelling mistakes and also pay attention to the formal correctness of the document.

5. Show success and experience

Not only mention employer and position, but also activities, projects and successes. Numbers catch the eye, they generate credibility. For example: “Increased annual online sales by 55 percent.”

6. No false modesty

Don’t lie, but present skills and successes or stage them favorably. Think of the CV as a ticket to the interview – there you can then personally demonstrate what you can do.

7. Red thread

Ideal case: A good CV gives the impression that you have worked towards the position you are now aiming for. Of course, this is rarely the case, but applicants should try to show a common thread when describing their career, to give the impression of strict career planning.

8. Matching resume

Appropriate in terms of content to the envisaged position and career phase: Those with professional experience concentrate on their professional careers, those new to the profession on their education, interests and characteristics.

Tip: Pay close attention to the requirements of the job posting and highlight skills and experience that make you the right fit for the job.

9. Explanation of gaps

Gaps of more than six months should be explained in a sensible manner and, if possible, conveniently concealed. Call unemployment, for example, “career orientation” or “reorientation”. Sometimes there are also good reasons for a longer break that should definitely be mentioned: parental leave, further education, stay abroad, etc.

10. Work experience first, then education

After the personal data, you should present your professional career. The presentation of periods of study and school leaving certificate can then follow. Exception: Applicants without relevant work experience focus on their knowledge and academic achievements.

11. Maximum two pages

Concentrate on the essentials: Delete, shorten or summarize unnecessary or irrelevant information. Give relevant information the space it needs. Scope and structure tips .

12. Appropriate layout

In most cases, a simple, serious and cleanly structured design is the best choice. However, if you are applying for a creative job or for a very young company, you can stand out from the other applicants with a special but successful design.

13. Provide only meaningful personal information

Do without personal data that is no longer usual (marital status, occupation of parents, siblings). There are exceptions, but most of the time this information does not bring any benefit. State the denomination only for ecclesiastical and church-named institutions and organizations.

14. Correct application photo

Use a real application photo – preferably taken by a photographer who specializes in application photos and has suitable references.

15. Signature

Signing the CV is an important formality. Sign the application on paper with a blue fountain pen, online with a scanned signature.

16. Latest status

Check that all information is up to date. Outdated information calls your diligence into question.

Finding a Job, CAREER PATHS, Communication and Networking, CV and Cover Letter, JOB HUNTING, Job Interview Tips

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